Chairman's Greetings

“Innovation and Development” is the everlasting business theme of Ningshing. Having experienced wind and rain and yet also been bathed in sunshine, Ningshing regards each of its small development as a new starting point. After more than two decades of hard work and development, with the circumstance of reform & opening up and economic globalization, Ningshing was always marching forward courageously and reached a solid and sustainable business growth, built up an excellent and cooperative working team and cultivated a good corporate image.

Facing the challenge of Internet, New Technology revolution and globalization, Ningshing will stick to the principle of “Innovation and Perseverance”, actively promote the internal & external resources integration and model innovation, strengthen the development of its main business, obtain further breakthrough in the realm of trade, service, investment and industry, and strive to enhance its core competitiveness and brand value.While keeping pace with market trend and social development, Ningshing will do its best to fulfil the mission as to serve its customers, society, shareholders and employees with better business achievement.

  • Tel:86-574-87287288
  • Fax:86-574-87248846
  • Address:27F Tianning Mansion, No.138
  • Zhongshan Road West, Ningbo
©Ningbo Ningshing Holdings Corporation
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